I Focus On The Pain The Only Thing That's Real
Somehow or other I threw my back out last night.
I'd been sitting at the computer for about two hours working through a problem with my SD card slot, consulting via chat-room with a nice person in some far-away land, (who, despite a less-than-stellar command of English grammar skills was nevertheless quite helpful), and after we'd finished up our session and logged off, I stood up to stretch.
Only, I couldn't stand up, not fully upright at any rate, without sending explosive stabs of pain down my lower back and most of the length of my left leg; really nasty spasms, that just about dropped me to the floor.
Once I was able to straighten myself, I hobbled over to the bathroom, downed 800 mg of Ibuprofen and went to bed, hoping the pain would subside by morning.
But, despite a relatively good night's sleep (well, there was that one dream involving an Oscar Meyer "Weenie Mobile", a couple of friends, and a foot-long hot dog topped with bacon - I'm not even going to presume to attempt to analyze this, BTW - and no, nothing untoward happened; at least nothing that would involve more than me possibly partaking of a couple of Alka-Seltzers, and really, who wouldn't after eating a foot-long Oscar Meyer hot dog with bacon?), I woke up this morning to find the stiffness & pain had barely subsided.
So, a few more Ibu's, and now I'm sitting here at work, getting ready to perform a rote, repetitive task that I HOPE won't further aggravate the problem.
To those of you who experienced back problems earlier this week, and to whom I may have imparted gentle admonishments seeing as you seem far too young to be suffering excruciating old person pain, my apologies.
Karma, she is ruthless, no?
Update Friday:
After generous application of heat last night, the pain has subsided quite a bit, although I still get twinges if I bend or twist from the lower back without support. Still, heck of an improvement over yesterday. Hopefully, at this rate things will be more-or-less back to normal in a couple of days - just in time to start in on my first full-day of tax appointments.Labels: dreams, food, Injuries, Work
Posted byCOMTE
on 8:57 AM