
High Water Rising The Shacks Are Sliding Down
We got the show up-and-running last weekend, although not without a bit of extraneous drama to go with the drama onstage.
Turns out one of the performers, my friend P-Ratt, her husband SGNP and newborn Betty George (no website - yet!) were flooded out of their house Thursday evening by a burst pipe that left the entire downstairs under about six inches of water. They managed to get a plumber in, who pumped out most of the standing water, but getting whatever had seeped into the walls and floors was going to necessitate employing heavy-duty industrial drying fans running full-bore for about four or five straight days, meaning they needed to find other accomodations in the meantime.
They're both good friends, and the idea of them spending ridiculous sums of money to stay in a motel didn't set well, so we coordinated amongst several of our fellow theatre-folk and managed to work out a temporary lodging roundel: I hosted them on Friday evening, spending the night on the boat, because the idea of three people PLUS a nursing infant crammed into a 300 sq. foot basement apartment just seemed ludicrous on the face of it, and besides, why NOT stay on the boat?
So, I gave the place a good, thorough cleaning when I got home from work, then went to our Gala Opening, which was quite nice, followed by a faaaaabulous aprez-show party, afterwards scooted off to the boat.
Although I've been maintaining & checking up on it on a regular basis since moving off two years ago, I hadn't done an overnight for quite some time - probably going back to summer of 2005. Not too much of a change; seems a little roomier with some of the day-to-day items removed, and not sharing the small space with two grumpy cats. But otherwise, same-old-same-old. I did, however, have a great deal of difficulty falling and staying asleep. It was quite calm, so there wasn't much motion, but the "firmness" of the 30 year-old berth cushions, even with an extra layer of foam padding on top, was something with which to contend, and I spent most of the night tossing-and-turning, and falling in-and-out of a rather shallow sleep.
On the plus side, my houseguests absolutely enjoyed their brief stay, and had nothing but glowing praise for my tiny living space. Didn't hurt that an original SGNP drawing holds a place of prominence in my "Kitchen Gallery of Space Age Pop Art", or that they're the kind of people who would actually be delightfully surprised by a Tiki-inspired bathroom.
Saturday, they moved to another friend's house, conveniently located just a few blocks away from me, and by now should be relatively comfortably ensconsed in another friend's "Condo Guest Suite", where they'll spend the next several days until their house is dry-and-cool enough to allow them to return.
Thank goodness for Home Owner's Insurance, is all I can say.
Posted byCOMTE
on 1:44 PM