
I'm So Tired, My Mind Is On The Blink
Exhausted. That's the only word for it. Between finishing out Hothouse, and moving this weekend I'm just wiped out.
Basically, everything went fine, got some help from a few of the Annex Regulars (Yay! Tom, BenLau, Molly, Scotto & Dante!) between shows on Saturday to move the U-Haul truckload of furniture, clothing & odds & ends into the new space (and special Yay! to Meaghan for giving me the matinee off to load the truck!), then spent yesterday afternoon shoving things around until they fit, opening boxes, organizing books, doing laundry, cleaning, and getting rid of a few things that I really don't need any more. Most everything fits into my tiny quarters, although with the built-in bookcase, I'm planning to get rid of some home-built shelving. And once I get around to compressing and consolidating 12 years worth of files, theatre programs, scripts, and whatnot I'll probably be able to live without one of my two filing cabinets. That should make the bedroom space a bit "full", but liveable. Maybe I'll even be able to squeeze in that reading chair I'm still planning to track down.
Despite the loss of some crucial items, I managed to stay fairly close to my budget on the move, even with the additional purchase $200 worth of kitchenware and bedding. But, now I have new glasses, cookware, utensils, flatware, pillows, etc. And dear Dawn presented me with an early birthday present (after pulling a slight practical joke on my tired, unprepared self) in the form of a down comforter. There are still a few items I could use (first and foremost a small vacuum), but nothing that can't wait. Still have a bus load of stuff that needs to go in, plus some items from the boat to move over (including the cats), and on Saturday, I'll be getting some additional items, courtesy of SGNP (Yay! Bread makers!). Hopefully by next week I'll have more-or-less put the finishing touches on my new digs.
Spent my first night there last night, although I must say it wasn't nearly as restful as I had hoped, given that I was sleeping on a new mattress, in a new space, with lots of new noises (thermostats clicking, heaters cooling, refrigerators fridging, and the like), as well as the general stress of dealing with new circumstances, with the result being that I probably only got about 3 - 4 hours of actual sleep. And this week is a full-tilt boogie of meetings (tonight) and theatre-going (Tuesday through Saturday), so I won't be spending much time there this week.
Posted byCOMTE
on 9:57 AM